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Google Removes COVID-19 Layer on Google Maps

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Google Removes COVID-19 Layer on Google Maps

The COVID-19 pandemic remains a global concern. With the 2020 outbreak of COVID-19, Google is attempting to assist the world in numerous ways. One of them is to add COVID-19 information layers to Google Maps. After two years, the COVID-19 layer on Google Maps abruptly disappeared.

Google Removes COVID-19 Layer on Google Maps

As of September 2020, Google Maps’ Map details include the “COVID-19 Info” layer. Google hopes this would enable Google Maps users to “decide where they are going and what they will do.”

When activated, COVID-19 Info will indicate the average weekly rate of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 individuals in a certain location. In addition, this layer will indicate if the case is increasing or decreasing. In addition, the color display assists users in distinguishing the concentration of COVID-19 cases in a particular area.

Combine COVID-19 This information reaches provinces and cities in 220 nations and areas that enable Google Maps. The data is compiled by reputable institutions (such as Johns Hopkins and Wikipedia) using information from the World Health Organization (WHO), local ministries of health, and local health authorities and hospitals.

“In 2020, we introduced the COVID-19 layer to inform the public about the incidence of the virus in a particular region. Since then, as the global community has made it simpler for people to acquire immunizations, testing, and other COVID-19 resources, the informational demands of individuals have also evolved “wrote Google.

It is no secret that Google has enabled the global population gain access to COVID-19 information. However, according to Google’s statement, people’s information needs alter over time. This is evidenced by the decline in usage of the COVID-19 Info layer. Two months ago, Google purportedly discontinued the COVID-19 layer without a major announcement.

“Due to declining usage, the COVID-19 layer will be removed from Google Maps on mobile and online platforms in September 2022,” Google noted.

Google ensures that the most up-to-date material about COVID-19 will still be accessible, including the SARS-CoV-2 variant, COVID-19 immunizations and diagnostics, and preventative information. In addition, Google Maps informs users of the location of the closest COVID-19 test and immunization.