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How to Record and Host a Video Conference Using Google Meet

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How to Record and Host a Video Conference Using Google Meet

Using Google Meet to record and host a video conference is an excellent way to streamline meetings, particularly when multiple people are present. The app is available for free download and can be used on both desktop and mobile devices. You can schedule new meetings in Google Calendar and invite others to join. Meetings can also be recorded and sent to the person who started the recording.

To beginHow to Record and Host a Video Conference Using Google Meet, the app employs security keys to prevent a single user from accessing the service. It also has anti-hijacking capabilities. Aside from the obvious, there are features like a chat tab that allows you to see what others are saying, send messages, and even add links. You can also create a live stream of your event for up to 100 people. Documents and other resources can also be shared.

If you have the funds, you can purchase a premium business plan that allows you to invite up to 250 people. Google Meet, on the other hand, is free for most people, and you can invite friends and family via email. You may also bring a student.

You can use your phone to create new meetings, schedule meetings, and join existing ones. You can also use a Google Home speaker to make audio-only calls. Depending on your phone model, you may also be able to activate the camera. To use the camera, you can turn it on or off, mute it, or choose a resolution.

The ability to record meetings may be the app’s best feature. If you’re going to record a video conference, you’ll need a good microphone and camera setup. Google Meet, fortunately, includes anti-hijacking features, so you don’t have to worry about someone logging into your account without your permission.

Other features of the app include a built-in calendar that allows you to create meetings and drag and drop them. You can also schedule meetings, invite participants, and change meeting times. You can also make your own test event. This is the best way to familiarize yourself with the app before inviting others to a real-world meeting.

Because the app is integrated with Gmail, you don’t need to visit Meet’s website to sign in or add people. There’s also a cool new feature that lets you invite people to the meeting via email. The app is also available for Android and iOS devices. For more advanced features, you can also install Chrome Extensions.

Other cool features of the app include a live stream for up to 100 people and the ability to record classes. Furthermore, the app can present documents and slides directly from Google Docs or Google Slides. It can also display a map of your current location and a timer to track your progress.